Legal Mentions

This site has been created by Nova Consul EURL, a company with capital of €1,000, registered with the Versailles Trade and Companies Registry under number: 981104904, headquartered at 27 rue Saint-Denis, 78930 Goussonville, France.

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The purpose of this site is to offer free content and to sell products & services.

The person responsible for publication of the site is Mr Louis Chiquet.

This site complies with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act 78-17 of January 6, 1978.

In application of law no. 78-17 of January 6 1978 on data processing, data files and individual liberties, you have the right to oppose (art. 26 of the law), access (art. 34 to 38 of the law) and rectify (art. 36 of the law) data concerning you.

If you have any questions about data protection, please refer to our privacy policy, or contact us at

For all commercial questions, please consult our general sales conditions.

The content of your site is protected by copyright (art. L.111-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code).